Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Garment-makers seek funding to turn focus on creative economy

       The Thai Garment Manufacturers Association will ask the government for Bt300 million to support its three-year plan with eight activities, to ensure the industry is fully engaged in the creative economy.
       "The association wants to see garment-making breakthroughs from the supply chain through manufacturing," Yotsaton Kujkusol, vice president of the asso iation, told The Nation yesterday.
       "In particular, the creative garment business must cover original equipment manufacturing (OEM), original-bran manufacturing (OBM) and original-design manufacturing (ODM)," he said.
       The objective of the plan is for garment manufacturing to have sufficien creative manpower and be able develop value-added products in cooperation with related industries.
       The plan is also designed to position Thailand as an Asian texile and garment hub, given that the world community presicts that Asia will become the biggest manufacturing region.
       Garment-marking is one of the 15 targeted pilot industries under the government's Creative Economy scheme. Those industries are hoped to become the Kingdom's engine for sustainable economic growth.
       The garment industry has great potential to achieve creativ emanufacturing as it can respond immediately to the plan in terms of recruitment and income generation, he said.
       The plan puts a priority on encouraging people to hae creativity.
       Thailand should initially host an "international creative award" at the regional level,focusing on Asean and Asia.
       Second, a "creative tour" programme should be arranged to support human resources in the private and publice sectors for both creative and related personnel such as those in accounting. The plan will finetune those groups to have the same idea on creation.
       "We should allow them(both creative and related officers) to go on a trip to visit exhibitions and museums abroad to let them exchange ideas on what they see and think of,"Yotsaton said.
       A World Creative Conferendce should be arranged not only to provide more inspiration but also brainstorm ideas and transfer knowledge.
       Thailand should focus on research and development both in raw materials and localwisdom. For instance, natural fibres from plants such as bamboo and bananas should be developed further to differentiate Thai goods.
       The establishment of a creative centre in plants is a must practice to ensure OEM,OBM and ODM development. Experts should be hired to transfer both techniques and knowledge.
       The marketing channel should be directed at creating the right marketplace for the right products.
       New brand creation should be encouraged to gain market access. The association will emphasise a single brand and umbrella brand strategy. The umbrella brand calls for a concept store to foster collaboration with many related products.
       "The concept store will encourage entrepreneurs to export as a group of companies instead of a company,Yotsaton said.
       Thailand should organise activities that boost its image as a creative manufacturer and exporter. All manufacturers should cooperate closely to put together the plan.
       All of those projects should be continuously worked on, while the creative economy should be expanded into educational institutions to encourage people to use more imagination.

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